Little squares...beads on strings, and spirals.
Here we can see a row of 'X's.
Today's Sunday Special shows the entrance to a garden. It is to the left of what is depicted here.
Lake shore in late autumn.
Now this is definitely under the sea, don't you think?
Here is a doodle with a blue flower.
Ok...there is part of a finger print, and scales, flowers and a dart, among other stuff.
An abstract landscape. I want to live next to the waterfall, where the vaguely heart-shaped leaves are growing.
A river, a tree...oid, a net.
Today's Sunday Special is a big lizard. I'm sorry I can't remember what species. I was painting this many years ago at the zoo.
More flowers and circles I made with the drawing toy. I love how it makes such neat templates.
There seems to be a coat of arms in there, with flowers hanging upside down.
Also, there is an upside down tree or something, and bubbles...seing all that upside down stuff, I wonder about my signature. Did I just sign the doodle upside down, instead of right side up? Hm, that'd explain a lot here.
More flowers made with the spirograph-like toy.
Can life take a turn to the easy route, please?
Doodling with my left hand turned out better and better, I think.
Life still sucks.
I did this one with my left hand, because the right arm was in a splint, after having had a reduction, thankfully under narcotics. The doodle turned out quite scraggly, but also delicate and tender, in a way.
Life today is still quite crappy.
Sunday special. Tell me what you see!
And then, in the middle of that holiday, which was supposed to renew my and the family's strenght, I dislodged my right elbow. Here is what the offspring drew for me, as a consolation. His spaceships are better than mine.
Life still sucks badly.
Holiday motif! In case you can't guess it: that is one very blue ocean here in that doodle.
Life sucks, by the way.
I drew hearts and a smiling sun, fish, feathers and a starfish. An eye, flowers and a giraffe pattern, too. Did I tell you already that I hate life?
Here we have circles, or rather, circular blobs.
A slightly goofy bird king is sitting in a tree. I made this doodle in an airport, waiting for our flight. We went on very much deserved holidays.
That blue pen was quite fancy.
A froglet is sitting in its own Sunday Special garden.
This one is full of plants, again.
I used our 'hypotrochoid drawing set', which is like a downsized spirograph toy, for outlining some flowers.
A train station. The rails are to the right.
Here there are more darts and flowers.
A portrait of one of our cats. In real life, he's got a red coat, though.
I can't remember exactly where I made this doodle...of course I wrote something on the left of the date, but it doesn't tell me anything that sets off recognition.
A garden for todays' Sunday Special. I wish winter was already over.