
A blog about my own doodles

Hello readers!

On this blog, I'm going to post doodles I made, one every day. My doodles usually have a date and sometimes also a title. I'm going to hide the titles because I don't want to give away private detail. Also, if I feel like it, I'm going to spam the pretty doodles with text.

 Should you want to use one of my doodles for anything, go ahead and use it. It's free. It is because my day job destroys my soul and I want to put something out there that I did at leisure and that is free for everybody.

I'd like you to comment, both on aesthetics and on deeper meaning. Go all Freud, if you like.
Enjoy the doodles!

There. A couple of shrubs.

Hey, I said this was about doodles!


1 comment:

  1. Now if I figure out this comments thing...
